Volume 15, Issue 1, pp. 1-318
Please Note: Electronic articles are available well in advance of the printed articles.
Semismooth Newton and Augmented Lagrangian Methods for a Simplified Friction Problem
Georg Stadler
pp. 39-62
A Comparative Study of Kernel Functions for Primal-Dual Interior-Point Algorithms in Linear Optimization
Y. Q. Bai , M. El Ghami , and C. Roos
pp. 101-128
A Class of Methods for Projection on the Intersection of Several Ellipsoids
Anhua Lin and Shih-Ping Han
pp. 129-138
Prox-Method with Rate of Convergence O (1/t ) for Variational Inequalities with Lipschitz Continuous Monotone Operators and Smooth Convex-Concave Saddle Point Problems
Arkadi Nemirovski
pp. 229-251
Nondifferentiable Multiplier Rules for Optimization and Bilevel Optimization Problems
Jane J. Ye
pp. 252-274